Sweet, soulful harp and song.
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News & Announcements

THREE HARP NIGHT (Part Deux) - Friday, Nov. 10th, 2023 @Couth Buzzard 

Here we go again! The Couth Buzzard has asked Carol, Linda and me to return for another night of harp collaboration on Friday, November 10th at 7:30. We will each do a short solo set, followed by a few tunes together (audience participation encouraged!)

A reminder of who we are and what we do:

Molly Bauckham hails from California and Hawaii, and has been performing her sweet, soulful harp and vocals in the Pacific NW for 25 years. www.harpmolly.com

Linda Khandro has played music her entire life with certain styles & genres holding sway: Celtic harp, percussion, ambient and improvisation. She performs tonight on the double-strung harp. www.lindakhandro.com

Carol J Levin has been embraced by Seattle's jazz and free improvisation communities for her creative voice and for extending the capabilities of the harp beyond its expected style. www.caroljlevinmusic.com


I'm very excited to share that I'll be part of GreenStage's Romeo and Juliet in the parks this summer! I'll be playing Lady Montague and also providing harp stylings, naturally.

Performing in A Midsummer Night's Dream with GS in 2020 and 2021 were truly wonderful experiences, and I can't wait to do it again this year (especially since I think Romeo and Juliet contains some of Shakespeare's most gorgeous poetry).

Performances run from July 7th-August 12th in parks all over the Seattle area. More details forthcoming!

THREE HARP NIGHT - Feb. 24th, 2023, Couth Buzzard Books 

Hi all! I'll be performing in a collaborative concert (each performer plays a short solo set followed by an improv jam) on February 24th at my old stomping grounds, the Couth Buzzard in Greenwood! I love this place and it's always a treat to be invited to perform there.


Three harpists contrasting genres, styles and instruments (134 strings in all) meet for an exchange of solo sets and to surprise themselves and each other in collaboration.

Traditional Celtic tunes, electric improvisation and a vocal/harp serenade round out a warm evening at the Couth Buzzard.

Molly Bauckham hails from California and Hawaii, and has been performing her sweet, soulful harp and vocals in the Pacific NW for 25 years. www.harpmolly.com

Linda Khandro has played music her entire life with certain styles & genres holding sway: Celtic harp, percussion, ambient and improvisation. She performs tonight on the double-strung harp. www.lindakhandro.com

Carol J Levin has been embraced by Seattle's jazz and free improvisation communities for her creative voice and for extending the capabilities of the harp beyond its expected style. www.caroljlevinmusic.com

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